Surrounded By Love

A couple months ago, I posted a photo of me and the boys...we were snuggled up on our big, cozy chair, smiling, laughing and laying on top of each other....cause we were in the chair, per usual, not on the huge couch.😂 ⁣

Anyways, someone commented on the photo and said “you are surrounded by love.” When I read the comment, it hit me hard and stopped me in my tracks. Cause it was true. And those words had never crossed my mind for some reason....I am surrounded by love.⁣

Ever since that day, I tell myself that every single day. I remind myself of that, cause these kids love me on my worst days, on my best days, in my PJs, after I yell at them, when I kiss them, when we’re laughing or playing or even in the hard moments of doesn’t matter....they’re always loving me. And I’m always loving them. The unconditional type of love. ⁣

So if you’re having a tough day today, I hope this reminder brings you some enlightenment too. You are surrounded by love, my friend. Just look around.♥️

PS...keep an eye out in the shop cause I have a similar product releasing for Valentine’s Day....and you might also be able get it FREE.😉


  • Ownevow

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  • njwxivtpbu

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • Colleen king

    Bought Christmas mugs for my daughters they loved cant wait to see valentine gifts
    My daughter is following you now too sent me a pic of kids mug she liked


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