It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Just a friendly little reminder to start your little day.🖤

It’s okay to NOT be okay. It’s okay to feel off. It’s okay to feel grumpy or sad. It’s okay to want things to get back to normal. It’s okay to miss your family. It’s okay to miss your friends. ⁣

If you’re not okay right now, it’s okay. We’ve all been effected and we’re all in it together. Talk to your spouse about you’re feeling, journal, cry it out, let it out. It’s okay.⁣

I had a breakdown after getting takeout from our favorite pizza place two weeks was just so empty in there and I felt so disconnected from other humans...that was the moment I realized how much I love human interaction and smiling at strangers when passing by. I was not okay on that drive home {by myself}, and I allowed myself to feel all the emotions I had been holding back.⁣

Know that it will, eventually, be okay. I’m just an email away if you need to chat too.🌈

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    Thank you for the reminder……

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